Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Servos modified for continuous rotation

My new uC project required a continuous rotation motor, knowing that a servo motor can be modified to allow it to rotate continuously, I performed the modification on a 9g servo.
Servos are cool because you can tell them to rotate to a specific angle (between 0 and 180 degrees), a modified servo doesn't know what angle it is, but it can rotate in either direction without limits.
The mod:
Inside a servo there are two things that need to be changed in order to make it spin all around: a mechanical stop on the gears, and a potentiometer that tells the servo where in the rotation it is.
The mechanical stop is removed by filing or cutting it away from the gear.
The pot needs to be disconnected from the circuit board, and replaced by two fixed resistors of equal value which add up to approximately the original pot's value. My pot was 5k so I used 2.2k smd resistors.
Once everything is put back together the result is a continuous rotation servo gear motor that can easily addressed by Arduino's sofware servo library, your projects are now free to move.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3d animation: circular hatch mechanism

A circular hatch opening and closing. The animation uses constraints to get the motion of the leaves. The exploded view is animated into an assembled view where pieces come together into the functioning system. It illustrates very clearly the shapes of the components involved and their interactions. Blender 3d used for modeling, animating and rendering.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Applescript to process multiple video files with ffmpeg

This code is an Applescript intended to be used along with folder actions to batch convert files dropped in a folder using ffmpeg.
Background: Muxed video files are problematic when edited and the mpeg codec is also not easy in a Mac. Some Sony cameras record muxed mpg video, which requires processing every file in order to further work with them, doing this manually can be boring and take forever.
The following program demuxes and changes codec to h264, maintaining the file creation date. Without alteration, it will only be useful if working with files created on a DSCW100, to convert other files, changes need to be made to the ffmpeg shell command parameters. It handles spaces in filenames but folders should be kept without spaces or code will again need to be changed.
The program is separated in useful functions including extracting path, filename, extension; change creation date, convert scientific notation to text string. Provided without any warranty, use at your own risk.


Convert MPG files in a folder to h264 using ffmpeg (ffmpegx).

March 2010 Fp

Requires ffmpegX to exist in /Applications/ffmpegX_0.0.9y/

Derived from Apple sample code, etc.


property done_foldername : "Done"

property extension_list : {"mpeg", "mpg", "MPG", "MPEG"}

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items

tell application "Finder"

if not (exists folder done_foldername of this_folder) then

make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:done_foldername}

end if

end tell


repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items

set this_item to item i of these_items

set ff_Path to "/Applications/ffmpegX_0.0.9y/" as string

set this_item_posix to the POSIX path of this_item

set pathOnly to path_only(this_item_posix)

set name_wExt to remove_path(this_item_posix)

set nameOnly to remove_extension(name_wExt)

set file_extension to get_extension(this_item)

set temp_filename to pathOnly & "Done/" & nameOnly

set temp_filename to quoted form of temp_filename

set this_item_posix_q to quoted form of this_item_posix

if file_extension is not in the extension_list then

do shell script "cp " & this_item_posix_q & " " & pathOnly & "Done/"

set finalfile to pathOnly & "Done/" & name_wExt

change_dates(this_item, finalfile)

do shell script "rm " & this_item_posix_q


-- display dialog "variables" & return & return & pathOnly & return & nameOnly & return & file_extension & return & temp_filename & return & name_wExt

do shell script ff_Path & "ffmpeg -i " & this_item_posix_q & " -an -f yuv4mpegpipe - | " & ff_Path & "x264 -v --no-cabac -b 0 --qpmin 22 --qpmax 51 -B 5100 --me hex --threads 2 --level 13 --fps 30000/1001 -o " & temp_filename & " - 640x480 "

do shell script ff_Path & "ffmpeg -i " & temp_filename & " -i " & this_item_posix_q & " -y -vn -f mp4 -acodec aac -ab 128 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -map 1.0:0.0 " & temp_filename & " "

do shell script ff_Path & "mp4box -add " & temp_filename & " -add " & temp_filename & " -new " & temp_filename & ".ff.mp4"

do shell script "rm " & temp_filename & " && rm " & temp_filename & ""

set finalfile to pathOnly & "Done/" & nameOnly & ".ff.mp4"

change_dates(this_item, finalfile)

end if

end repeat

end try

end adding folder items to

on get_extension(this_item)

tell application "Finder" to set file_extension to the name extension of this_item

end get_extension

on remove_path(this_name)

repeat while this_name contains "/"

set x to the offset of "/" in this_name

set this_name to (text (x + 1) thru -1 of this_name)

end repeat

return this_name

end remove_path

on path_only(this_name)

if this_name contains "/" then

set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string

set x to the offset of "/" in this_name

set this_name to (text (x) thru -1 of this_name)

set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string

end if

return this_name

end path_only

on remove_extension(this_name)

if this_name contains "." then

set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string

set x to the offset of "." in this_name

set this_name to (text (x + 1) thru -1 of this_name)

set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string

end if

return this_name

end remove_extension

on change_dates(oldfile, file_)

tell application "Finder" to set old_date to the creation date of file oldfile

set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:hh, minutes:mm} to (old_date)

set old_date to y * 100000000 + m * 1000000 + d * 10000 + hh * 100 + mm

set old_date_string to remove_scientific(old_date)

set file_ to POSIX path of file_

do shell script "touch -t " & old_date_string & " " & quoted form of file_

end change_dates

on remove_scientific(this_number)

set this_number to this_number as string

if this_number contains "E" then

set this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string

set x to the offset of "E" in this_number

set this_number to (text (x + 1) thru -1 of this_number)

set this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string

end if

if this_number contains "." then

set this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string

set y to the offset of "." in this_number

set timepartA to (text (y + 1) thru -1 of this_number)

set this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string

set z to the offset of "." in this_number

set timepartB to (text (z + 1) thru -1 of this_number)

end if

set new_number to timepartA & timepartB

return new_number

end remove_scientific


Monday, March 1, 2010

Chrome Mirrors and glass rendering

Blender3d rendering reflective and transparent objects: water taps and glass string. Click on image for desktop friendly version (1280x800).

Friday, February 19, 2010

MIDI Controller

Sends MIDI signals from analog controls.

3 Digit 7 Segment LED display

An LED display and a rotary encoder. Video:

RGB 8x8 LED Matrix

Uses only two synchronized Spaceduinos to control one RGB 8x8 LED matrix display.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Some other sensors to be included in future projects: small 4 direction switch, magnetic sensor, microphone, piezo buzzer, photodiode, Light Dependant Resistor, tilt switch, temperature sensor.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ten LED Sequencer

Ten LEDs with preprogrammed sequences and variable speed. This particular one is using an earlier prototype Spaceduino with a perfboard pcb soldered to it's back.

Monday, February 1, 2010

RGB LED and Ambient Light Sensor

LED's RGB value is dictated by the amount of ambient light detected by the sensor.

Friday, January 29, 2010

PIR Motion Sensor

PIR Motion Sensor tells Spaceduino when motion is detected in it's sight.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Space-duino" Arduino compatible board

This is "Space-Duino", keeping up with the Arduino naming tradition it's name ends in duino. Built around an Atmega168 (16Kb memory), 16MHz crystal, includes onboard voltage regulation (7v-15v input), two extra analog inputs (a6 and a7), reset capacitor for FTDI cable programming. Can be programmed with an FTDI cable or an ICSP programmer thru breadboard connection.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Duck 3D Print

Duck CNC foam model

Duck Rendering

This was a duck 3d model that was modeled in Rhino 3D then fabricated at Souther Illinois University Carbondale's Digital Fabrication Lab.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Makerbot electronics kit

The Makerbot kit that will control "Mallet CNC" has arrived. Three stepper motor drivers, one extruder controller and one Reprap motherboard are the main components, also included are 6 opto-endstops that need to be put together. There are three ribbon cables to connect the motor drivers to the motherboard, which means that all those other connectors will need more cables in order to hook them up.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mallet CNC scale model

At 22% of it's final size, a scale model of the "Mallet CNC" was made from laser cut parts. This is a key part of the design process, it showed any assembly issues that are just not possible to see on the computer screen. Several changes have been made to the problematic shapes and it has now been given the green light for a full scale version.