Saturday, December 12, 2020
Friday, December 9, 2011
Medical Ring Design
Recently I have started working at a custom jewelry design company. This project is for a client that has issues with a joint on her left hand. The original device was given to her by her physician. However I was approached by my employer to redesign the device because the client wanted to mask her device as jewelry. The lower two images are the original device and the top three are the ones I have designed. The entire project was scripted using grasshopper for rhino and rhino gold for ring sizing.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Phenomenology Project
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Arduino Servo Control
// Many Servos no libraries by using arrays, sketch by Fp-2010.
// Change next three to match number of servos, servo pins and pot pins.
const int totalServos=2; // used in the 'for' loops below
const int theServos[]={7,8}; // pins connected to servos
const int thePots[]={4,3}; // pins connected to pots
const int refreshServo=20; // 20mS servo refresh cycle
long servoSpeed[20]; // stores potentiometer values
long pulseWidths[20]; // stores pulseWidths for each servo
long prevPulse[20]; // keeps track of last pulse
void setup(){
for (int i=0; i < totalServos; i++) { // for every servo
pinMode(theServos[i],OUTPUT); // declare servo pins as outputs
pinMode(thePots[i], INPUT); } // declare pot pins as inputs
void loop(){
for (int i=0; i < totalServos; i++) { // for every servo
servoSpeed[i] = analogRead(thePots[i]); // set speed to pot value
doServo(theServos[i],servoSpeed[i]); // move servo
void doServo(int thisPin, long pulseWidth){
pulseWidths[thisPin] = map(pulseWidth,0,1023,560,2310); // map pot input to pulse width range
if (millis() - prevPulse[thisPin] >= refreshServo){
prevPulse[thisPin] = millis();
digitalWrite(thisPin,LOW); }
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Servos modified for continuous rotation
My new uC project required a continuous rotation motor, knowing that a servo motor can be modified to allow it to rotate continuously, I performed the modification on a 9g servo.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
3d animation: circular hatch mechanism
Monday, March 15, 2010
Applescript to process multiple video files with ffmpeg
This code is an Applescript intended to be used along with folder actions to batch convert files dropped in a folder using ffmpeg.
Convert MPG files in a folder to h264 using ffmpeg (ffmpegx).
March 2010 Fp
Requires ffmpegX to exist in /Applications/ffmpegX_0.0.9y/
Derived from Apple sample code, etc.
property done_foldername : "Done"
property extension_list : {"mpeg", "mpg", "MPG", "MPEG"}
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists folder done_foldername of this_folder) then
make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:done_foldername}
end if
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items
set this_item to item i of these_items
set ff_Path to "/Applications/ffmpegX_0.0.9y/" as string
set this_item_posix to the POSIX path of this_item
set pathOnly to path_only(this_item_posix)
set name_wExt to remove_path(this_item_posix)
set nameOnly to remove_extension(name_wExt)
set file_extension to get_extension(this_item)
set temp_filename to pathOnly & "Done/" & nameOnly
set temp_filename to quoted form of temp_filename
set this_item_posix_q to quoted form of this_item_posix
if file_extension is not in the extension_list then
do shell script "cp " & this_item_posix_q & " " & pathOnly & "Done/"
set finalfile to pathOnly & "Done/" & name_wExt
change_dates(this_item, finalfile)
do shell script "rm " & this_item_posix_q
-- display dialog "variables" & return & return & pathOnly & return & nameOnly & return & file_extension & return & temp_filename & return & name_wExt
do shell script ff_Path & "ffmpeg -i " & this_item_posix_q & " -an -f yuv4mpegpipe - | " & ff_Path & "x264 -v --no-cabac -b 0 --qpmin 22 --qpmax 51 -B 5100 --me hex --threads 2 --level 13 --fps 30000/1001 -o " & temp_filename & " - 640x480 "
do shell script ff_Path & "ffmpeg -i " & temp_filename & " -i " & this_item_posix_q & " -y -vn -f mp4 -acodec aac -ab 128 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -map 1.0:0.0 " & temp_filename & " "
do shell script ff_Path & "mp4box -add " & temp_filename & " -add " & temp_filename & " -new " & temp_filename & ".ff.mp4"
do shell script "rm " & temp_filename & " && rm " & temp_filename & ""
set finalfile to pathOnly & "Done/" & nameOnly & ".ff.mp4"
change_dates(this_item, finalfile)
end if
end repeat
end try
end adding folder items to
on get_extension(this_item)
tell application "Finder" to set file_extension to the name extension of this_item
end get_extension
on remove_path(this_name)
repeat while this_name contains "/"
set x to the offset of "/" in this_name
set this_name to (text (x + 1) thru -1 of this_name)
end repeat
return this_name
end remove_path
on path_only(this_name)
if this_name contains "/" then
set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
set x to the offset of "/" in this_name
set this_name to (text (x) thru -1 of this_name)
set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
end if
return this_name
end path_only
on remove_extension(this_name)
if this_name contains "." then
set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
set x to the offset of "." in this_name
set this_name to (text (x + 1) thru -1 of this_name)
set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
end if
return this_name
end remove_extension
on change_dates(oldfile, file_)
tell application "Finder" to set old_date to the creation date of file oldfile
set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:hh, minutes:mm} to (old_date)
set old_date to y * 100000000 + m * 1000000 + d * 10000 + hh * 100 + mm
set old_date_string to remove_scientific(old_date)
set file_ to POSIX path of file_
do shell script "touch -t " & old_date_string & " " & quoted form of file_
end change_dates
on remove_scientific(this_number)
set this_number to this_number as string
if this_number contains "E" then
set this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string
set x to the offset of "E" in this_number
set this_number to (text (x + 1) thru -1 of this_number)
set this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string
end if
if this_number contains "." then
set this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string
set y to the offset of "." in this_number
set timepartA to (text (y + 1) thru -1 of this_number)
set this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string
set z to the offset of "." in this_number
set timepartB to (text (z + 1) thru -1 of this_number)
end if
set new_number to timepartA & timepartB
return new_number
end remove_scientific